I love the minimalism and RGB in this setup it fits perfectly. Consider diffusing your RGB strips though.
I will see how that looks thanks for the suggestion
BartoszDec commented on My first setup
This is an amazing setup that has given me lots of ideas for my setup. How did you earn the money for the setup?
I got my monitor from my friend for my birthday but most of the time im doing yard work for neighbors. Hope This helped
what is the web site you got your pc or did you build it? 
I got it on digital storm, its really bad for the prive i suggest you build yours:)
This looks amazing for a start. U should change the background on your devices, and u should also stick with a color that make u feel comfortable, I mean I can see that u might be trying to make a blue and red theme but u should do blue in one... See more
Thanks for the suggestions I improved my set up and will post another picture in a couple of days