Apple iPad Pro

Created by zzzgoh under setup Reviewed
zzzgoh's review:
Community Posts
Posted in General by Lachlan86

Black Friday Deals

There are some really awesome deals going on for Black Friday. Walmart is selling the iPad Pro for $400 off the regular price! That alone makes me want to take part in the craziness that is Black Friday, heh.
Posted in General by Paradox84

Save $150....still pay $650!

I had to chuckle to myself when I read the headline "Get an 11-inch iPad Pro for $650" Maybe it's just me, but that still seems extremely expensive.
Posted in General by Lionel

The New Look

By the looks of it, the iPad is like a mini canvass. This device will change the way we use smartphones. No more home button with a full screen so we have a lot of space to work with.
Posted in General by Timmyz

Affordability, The Name of the Game

Affordability will help a lot of people who are wanting to have these new devices. The Mac Mini and the MacBook Air are the ones that seem to be very popular with the reviews in terms of affordability.
Posted in General by Jeremiah

Which is Better?

I wanted to buy one of these as I still don't have a tablet. My wallet is the only thing that is hindering me from buying an iPad. I hope the prices will be lower by Christmas.
Posted in General by George

Let's Play Video Games, Anyone?

The iPad and iPhone gaming has become a popular past time of many people. Companies have invented attachable gadgets for us to place the gaming experience into another level. Which one do you prefer?

Apple iPad Pro

Created by zzzgoh under setup Reviewed
zzzgoh's review: