We will have to get used to large screen sizes when talking about the #iPhone and future #Applesmartphone flagship models. Like many enthusiasts, I did not expect a lot of deviation from last years iPhone XS, in terms of design. I can't wait for the launch for the first-ever #iPhone 5G phone.
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Although I am not a fan of the design of the iPhone 11 (Pro), I do understand that functionality and quality are getting more and more important for people.
I wouldn't buy the lower priced phone because it doesn't bring anything new to the table. So, buying the Pro seems to be the only option if you're looking for new features, but I'm not sure the triple-lens justifies the price.
The smartphone companies keep launching new models each year, and you wonder what happens to the previous models. Does this explain why Apple decided to lower the prices of the models launched last year? It seems that the iPhone 11's launch... See more
I'm pretty disappointed in Apple's offerings this year. It's a shame that the iPhone is still not compatible with the Apple Pencil. I'm holding off on buying a new phone for now.
I terribly miss the person on my icon. He innovated the smartphone industry. Most smartphones right now are just upgrades of the previous versions. I would not buy a new smartphone until there is really new innovation.
I am also fascinated by how much Steve Jobs was able to achieve. Despite the cliche in the smartphone industry, I have to give to Apple for remaining consistent and steadfast. Of all the smartphones unveiled in the past few years, iPhone 11... See more