I tend to be faithful to a brand and so I scrolled through to check and found the Lenovo Yoga 920 that would be a good acquisition, except that it's quite pricey. It is difficult to get the best qualities in one laptop but overall, loud fans really put me off!
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I'm like you Ankara, brand loyal when it comes to laptops. A Mac was the first brand I owned and I was happy with it, so why take the risk by venturing elsewhere?
I am also brand loyal, but unfortunately I like Apple. It is ridiculously pricey but I have very bad luck when it comes to Windows laptops. Somehow I can never seem to keep up with the many updates you get. I do place importance on the design of... See more
I know a lot of people who have never diverted from Apple products and whereas these can be pricey, I believe that as a consumer, you get value for money. I am thinking of getting a Mac in the near future.
I go with practicality, durability, and affordability. I always ask myself, why do I need a laptop? And what are the things I cannot do with my PC that I can do with my laptop? Then comes the durability which comes from experience and other... See more