I'm going to welcome this innovation with open arms, but I wonder if it will really take off. What kind of games will it have? How will it compete with the immersive sensation of playing on consoles? I'm still skeptical of how the streaming... See more
What you two said. I'm so thankful that we have the internet despite the issues that rise from it. I believe that we'll be able to overcome all the problems since those are created by ourselves as the users. Maybe we need more people to become... See more
I'm watching some unboxing and review videos on YouTube for Vivo NEX Dual Display. The phone is truly stylish! We take a step back by removing the front camera, but we jump forward with a full front screen and dual display. Safety aside, the... See more
A ridiculous price indeed. I prefer Samsung's Fold design and concept, but the big screen Huawei offers will probably appeal to tablet users. Regardless of the controversies, I think we still have to commend Huawei's innovation and effort.
JJK21 commented on A long battery life
Isn't that why we have the external fans? It's not enough if I just charge my laptop when I'm asleep. Back on the topic, I think our subjective usage makes it hard to evaluate the battery power. I've never had any problem so far since I'm not a... See more
Gesture controls to date have been pretty buggy so hopefully they work out the kinks before release. It sounds pretty interesting. I'm excited to see how AR is going to be developed.
I'm just not sure how wide its usage is. Surely you don't need some complicated gestures just to open an app (maybe unless you're in a hurry). I don't see how we can say "goodbye touch" with their new plan, so I can't wait for the official... See more
Your smartwatch will prick you with needles every a few hours if you want it to display your blood sugar level! That sounds too scary for me. Checking blood pressure and reading ECG are great features on the paper. I'm just worried about its... See more
Many people complain about the high price of Apple products so it makes sense for them to introduce lower cost devices. Their expensive products aren't actually "premium" though, that's just an advertising gimmick.
I do think some of their products match the premium feel. I'd say that X and XS give that kind of impression, especially if there are not many iPhone users around you. I think tablets' popularity is declining in general, so this move doesn't... See more
At least I've seen two article authors getting themselves the old SE thanks to this event. I still keep my old 5S, but I agree that sometimes these modern gadgets are too overwhelming. Simple is often the best way to go. It's probably the reason... See more
I wonder if this will affect other add-ons other than the third-party ad blockers. I understand that some of the add-ons may not be safe for us, but I think it's better to disable or disapprove those add-ons instead. The technical details... See more
JJK21 commented on Upcoming Games
The list has many interesting games. I don't have anything specific in mind, but I'll be looking forward to reading the releases of In the Valley of Gods and Control. I should pay more attention to the indie games because it looks like there are... See more
The layout of the smaller laptops looks strange, and the small screen makes it tough to read or watch anything easily. Instead of a new 12-inch series, I am interested in a cheaper variation of MacBook Air. I know it's already cheap enough... See more
Altair, that's very interesting. I've never found myself looking at the ads on any apps. They are either too random to consider or isn't new when they become relevant. Aba, I thought we can archive messages forever now until a new message comes... See more
I love the new shortcuts because I think it will make responding to messages easier. That way we may not need to open the app at all, so we don't need to see the ads that come with the status updates. As long as the ads are not intrusive, I will... See more
Thanks for an interesting article. Can we also change the thickness of the lenses? After all, our eyes can only get worse over time, but we don't always have the time to check our vision to get new glasses.
I can kind of understand where Jeremiah comes from. Security is usually about the firewall system, antiviruses, online browsing, or offline data transfer. If they create a new chip strong as the iPhone's, I will probably consider getting a Mac... See more
That is definitely useful when we are out of the house or when the electricity goes down. I'm just wondering about the charging speed, especially if the weather is not windy or the water moves so slowly. Then again, when you're far from comfort,... See more
It's ridiculous that you can only buy this phone if you have Verizon and that it has to be a second phone.  I like the smaller size though.
The secondary setup is the part that doesn't make any sense. Why did they market it like that when the device had the power to fight on its own? With such a limited target audience, I can't imagine anyone would be interested in this Palm.
JJK21 - Edited
I always remember the flip phones fondly, so I wonder how these foldable phones will look like. Imagine bringing your tablet around in your pocket because you can fold it into a smaller size. That's just nice, especially when our phones get... See more
I don't have children, and my phone is not equipped with any feature to track how long we're using an app, which is why I'm skeptical. It may be effective for children, but isn't it easy for adults to ignore the limit or delay it somehow? Kids... See more
How do you decide which one to bring on certain occasions then? I keep reading the news about how the developers add more and more cameras to their latest products. While it's great that we can get the best of both worlds just by buying one, it... See more
I love that the volume can be individually controlled which is a big help, but I wonder how easy it is to set everything up.  It sure looks painless.  
If what the article says is right, then it is as simple as getting new speakers and connecting them to the phone via Bluetooth or WiFi. The problem with Bluetooth is the distance, so maybe we go with the latter. I haven't really used the AirPlay... See more
I've read comments complaining about the web camera placement. It sure is unique to have it hidden like a button, but the angle makes it look so silly.  If I have to place my laptop on the top of stacked books to get my face on the screen for a... See more
That's why these smart devices sound scary to me at times. We think about trusting them with the little details of our lives. When we combine all of them, though, outsiders may be able to map our house and know our habits without coming close to... See more
I purchased a GoPro when it first came out and am looking to upgrade soon.  You're right, the videos shot with this one look amazing!  
I'm not a fan of the design, but the versatility and small size make it an amazing choice for our trips. As this new model gets better audio-related features and steady video recording, we probably won't need to edit the footage anymore, which... See more
Uber is not the first with this idea because there are small companies or enthusiasts that made experiments on hovercrafts. We are not far from the future when taxis are flying above our heads.
I've never heard of those, but that's nice to know. It would be better if Uber can work with those groups. They usually have found certain theories the big company didn't, but they lack the resources to experiment further. Just like Caradoc... See more
JJK21 commented on Top Fitness Gadgets
The noise-canceling earphones are the best choices. We can use them even when we don't exercise, so it's a lovely deal. I hope to see the watches getting more features such as detecting racket or stick swings. That way, we don't need to buy a... See more
That's true, which is probably why they are developing the feature further for outdoor use. I forget the brand name, but a few are deliberately allowing some of the outside noise to come in, so we won't be too blind to what's happening around... See more
This sounds like an amazing product. It's strange to think that our ear shapes affect the way we perceive sound, so I hope I'll get to try this myself to experience the difference. Do you think it's going to replace the expensive headphones... See more
JJK21 commented on New iPad Fall 2018
Releasing all their new gadgets in one event makes things less exciting as there are too many to focus on, don't you think so? You probably feel that way because the launch of XS, XS Max, and XR wasn't as spectacular as we thought it would be. I... See more
It's silly that we still get this kind of trouble with companies as huge as Apple and Verizon. I read that those who choose other carriers didn't encounter this issue, so it was probably something on Verizon's end. It's a good lesson to be... See more
Well, this is a good innovation but I have two reservations. Firstly, it would be awesome for the power bank to be compatible with all existing smartphones, rather than with just a few. Also, I would love to still use my phone and have it... See more
I assume that compatibility won't be a problem since all you need to do is place the phone on top of the battery. Just make sure that the phone supports wireless charging. (I think only phones with glass case can do this so far.) I'm more... See more