I have always been an Apple enthusiast so my preference here might have a bit of bias but looking at the the side-by-side comparison the Galaxy S10E seems to win here.
That's interesting as it definitely says something about Apple's recent products, even though such an opinion may be a minority. Galaxy S10e wins for now, but I think Apple is getting ready to play this game in the future. The XR is like an... See more
I think it's a bad idea to buy the first of any new model.  Early adopters work out the kinks and glitches. I like the idea behind it though. 
I think one of the advantages of running a smart gadget is the possibility of getting an update. Nothing has been confirmed, but it's going to be one of the most groundbreaking features these strange gadgets can ever get.
The screens bring amazing features and design. I'll give them that. I also don't need such an expensive and beautiful screen outside the house, but I understand how some elite villas or other residencies will like these. There is a market, as... See more
They call it "stablecoin". That's a very interesting term. I suppose they believe in the big name of Facebook to keep the coin active and valued, but I wonder if they have other kinds of physical assets that can support this cryptocurrency.
I usually like to check whether the provider has a good alias system. Like Lachlan86 said, sometimes we need a quick fix, but registering a whole new address requires too much effort. Aliases should be easy to make and handle.
Dennis commented on Nokia's Comeback
Marvel, are you going to get a Nokia phone then? Let me know how it goes. I want to hear about the first-hand experiences from those who run Android on Nokia. How different does it feel? Is it actually better because there are less built-in... See more
That camera placement almost kills me! Joking aside, I don't particularly like this theory, but I think we'll probably get something close to this. It doesn't seem like Apple is going to make some radical changes to the physical design as they... See more
I'm sure Google makes more than that, so paying a fine is not a problem. Also, where does that money go? Is the local government going to use it to further protect the users? Are we going to stop using Google's services? Unfortunately, I don't... See more
Looks kind of strange to me. What's the point of a desk if you don't want to put anything on it? Plus its another thing that could break. No thanks.
Maybe someday you will have a project which involves big papers. You'll need all the space you can get, and that's where this monitor comes in. I do worry about the durability, but I think the connectivity is going to be a bigger problem.
Dennis commented on Do you follow CES?
I'm not a devoted follower, but I'll tune in for anything new related to the artificial intelligence. The technology is growing rapidly, and it is fascinating as much as it is worrying. What kind of AI tool do you think will be revealed in the... See more
I'm surprised that Huawei put the camera notch at the corner because Samsung's mock image shows theirs at the center, but I like it. Taking photos with the front camera may need a special trick because of the angle, but the beautiful large... See more
I'm quite surprised that people aren't embracing them as enthusiastically as they did in the past.  Apple usually has dedicated fans.  Even their $1,000 iPhone X once sold well.
I suppose iPhone X was somehow magical as it was the first. At that moment, users probably thought that it was worth the price. Just a year after, Apple released something new and even more expensive when most of those users already own the X. I... See more
I think they are year-long useful since I've been using the finance tracker, to-do list, and travel assistant since the beginning of the year. Life does become easier with the help of these apps, so the new year is a good time to reorganize and... See more
Maybe it's just me, but it sure doesn't feel like batteries are lasting longer.  Does anyone else feel this way?  Maybe 15% is a hard number to notice.
I'm not sure if our phones today have used this technology (so the old ones probably don't), but I agree with your last sentence. After all, it depends on our usage. As connectivity and speed become extremely important, especially with 5G... See more
Well, I first noticed the emoji skin tones on Whatsapp and I haven't paid so much attention to them as I am not a person that uses emojis a lot.  Apple incorporated memojis in iOS 12 and I guess all the hype probably indicates that there is a... See more
Thus my question. I think they are fun to use, but I don't love it so much that we should have diverse skin options to one smiling face or a thankful hand gesture. I'd rather use the time and resources to research on-screen fingerprint reader as... See more
The Bedtime feature is a strange one. Even though I am aware of what time I should be going to bed, I can't always sleep at the same hour because of work or other things to do. In my opinion, it's an unnecessary function.
I don't think there is a way to get this technology for cheap. At least not in the immediate years. The system needs a lot of research to reach a steady point, so funds are necessary. The folding concept is hard to resist, but I really wish we... See more
Isn't this the era of cloud storage? It feels like all important companies are providing online space to help us access our data anywhere we go. I still have my external hard drives for the most important things because I don't want to risk my... See more
I didn't know we had a smart toothbrush and hairbrush! Together with the smart egg tray, I think they are the most useless ones in the list. I wish the smart toilet will get cheaper someday, though. I feel like it's going to be useful for many... See more
I do think some products are gaining traction because of how important technology is these days. They are normally unnecessary, but people are going to praise a house full of smart home gadgets. Security takes a backseat to prestige.
I'd say that home security system is worth investing in regardless of your neighborhood. I suppose it will be cheaper to get a kit, though I'm honestly only interested in the camera. I'm also open to suggestions!
I really like the Google Pixel Slate.  It works fast and does what I need.  The picture on it is fantastic and I appreciate the wealth of apps available to run on this machine. 
Are there any outstanding apps affecting your productivity which are not available in the other tablets? I suppose it depends on what you use it for, though reviews seem to indicate that Pixel Slate isn't really worth the money.
What a price! I thought that one of the best things about a home theater system is the deep and loud sound, so it doesn't make much sense to put in the headphones to achieve it. I also don't see why someone wants to connect to eight devices at... See more
It's a possible market for Apple to work on, but I think they find the smart home system to be more promising and less saturated than gaming. I agree that such an extension will only be appealing to traveling players or those who play a lot of... See more
Have any of you experienced the device in reality? I feel that holding the phone in our hands and using it directly may change our minds. I don't know if the bezel is too thick for me or if the YouTube videos will look too different on XR. On... See more
These controllers sound promising. Theoretically, they are a better option than getting a new gaming phone. The biggest issue will always be its compatibility. If they could encourage more games to support the controllers, then they would... See more
I read that the first generation as aimed at those who already had the components of a desktop, but planned to switch from Windows to Mac. Does it still have a market these days? I find everyone pretty much settled on either side, especially... See more
The part about using the pencil on non-touch surface intrigues me the most. Why would one write on a table and have it noted on the iPad or Mac as well? Why not just write on the devices from the beginning?
The accident is old news, but not one we should ever forget. This is one of the many examples of why we should not let robots take over our daily chores. I'll say let the machines do the physical work such as packing or transporting, but any... See more
I don't mean to ask in an offensive way, but I am purely curious. How does this exactly work? Let's say someone loosely related to us gets his DNA tested. How does the group trace it back to us? What do they know at that point? I'm asking... See more
Do people really drop their phones that often? In 20+ years of owning phones, I've only dropped my phone once. I think it looks a bit too bulky for my liking as well. But maybe, for the extremely people among us this is a good invention.
I know a few people who drop their phones more often than that, so this may look appealing to them. I imagine that the case will be very hard and stiff if they put springs and airbags inside it. A case should be more about protection than its... See more
We've seen a lot of dashboard cameras in movies, but I don't feel especially inclined to get one. I guess I'm expecting that these cameras have more features than just recording, though anything more may be too distracting for our safety.
It's wonderful that the developers want to let everyone access the game, but there is too much data transfer required in a game. The players need to have a steady connection, and they still depend on the game's servers to be able to play the... See more
Scooters are also a thing from the past for me, which is why this news is also playing with the nostalgic element. I haven't seen a fixed price anywhere since Bird's pricing is based on the distance so far. I don't know if we can actually buy... See more
It turns out that VPN doesn't really guarantee our online safety, right? Getting a service based in a country we are not familiar with sounds equally dangerous. As everything is connected to the network these days, escape is probably close to... See more
I'm pretty sure it's related to structural preparation. The receiver towers, the network, the system, the team, and so on. Those can't be prepared in one night. I'm more curious about how 5G is different from 4G because I have little to no... See more
 Ice Universe is often correct about what's coming down the line. We still have some time before its release so anything is possible. The picture on the screen gives the illusion that it's wrapped around the screen.  It looks really neat. 
I don't think that picture is official. There is nothing confirmed for S10's rear cameras as well. The screen in the image is even wider than S9, so I wonder where the front camera and speaker will come in. It just doesn't sound possible right... See more
Turntables probably will never be as popular as before, but I think the market will still exist even though it's small. They appeal to the fans of old music, but the Bluetooth and USB compatibility are there for the new ones. I don't see myself... See more
iPhone X is almost a year old. With the successors being not so impressive this far (excluding XR), I agree that X is still the winner. That's why Galaxy S9 and Note really stand out this year on the premium level for me. Their features justify... See more
Dennis commented on Apple in no hurry
It's hard to understand Apple sometimes. Other brands are racing to get the latest innovation on their phones, while Apple keeps on increasing the prices of their gadgets without providing some cutting-edge features. On the other hand, I don't... See more
Personally, I think Apple helps to create the hype. If this big company decides to advertise 5G for their new gadgets, the crowd will probably take it that 5G is truly the technology of tomorrow. That's why they will probably be okay even if... See more
A clever move if we think about the disappointment around Apple's recent event. I have never used a Pixel, but I know how popular it is. One of their best products from what I heard. Even if they don't have anything huge, slowing down the orders... See more
I'd say that Pixels have enough features to stand on their own, but they make use of their timing to maximize their potential. We also see a similar battle among brands like Xiaomi, Oppo, and Vivo, so it isn't exactly a unique thing. As the end... See more
If there's going to be a new MacBook, I'd bet a lot of money on it being a MacBook Air. I don't know if we're going to be getting one this month, but hopefully by the end of the year. 
Yes, because they have released a MacBook Pro earlier this year. I wonder if they are still working on the right features for the new Air or simply want to focus on the true premium gadgets. The chip shortage shouldn't be a problem if they can... See more
This is the signature of Apple products, pricey, but you get a good quality out of it. I think Apple has the right to set its prices with expensive figures because they made innovations into the smartphone business.
That's what we used to say about Apple products. With the competition these days, though, a well-designed system and processor are probably the only things they have left. I haven't decided if those are worth the price tags.
Everything Apple works on is too premium to be called cheap, so I don't expect a price too low. The colors are lovely, though I hope Apple won't use plastic case like 5C. I'm honestly interested; trading the screen for the latest chip and OS for... See more
That sounds like fun. A glass cover in many colors will certainly brighten the lineup. It just makes me sad that the other features have to be toned down. It would probably be more popular if the specifications were as good as the XS. LCD screen... See more